Statement of Account

In this window you can print Statement of Account. 

Fill in the required information in the search fields and press Print.

Per Date

Insert the wanted Date or use the Calender-button.


Single Customer

Choose Debtor, Creditor, or Both.

Searchable by name as in other programs - once selected From/To customer will be filled with customer number.

From/To Customer

Insert Customer number.

From/To Debtor Grp.

Choose from the drop-down list.

From/To Creditor Grp.

Choose from the drop-down list.

Statement Code

Choose between Yes or No from the drop-down list.

Only due items

Choose between Yes or No from the drop-down list.

Total in our favor

Choose between Yes or No from the drop-down list.

Include Interest

Choose between Yes or No from the drop-down list.


Choose Type from the drop-down list.


Choose Service from the drop-down list.


Insert Sender. Is set to the user logged on to the system. Can be amended.


Insert a header for the message. Will be Auto-assigned from the system.

The SOA will display in a new window.

If you want to send the report as mail or send it directly to a printer, choose Email or Print in Dest Type and choose Server and printer. If you want to send it as mail also insert the mail address in the field Email.