Standard EDI MailBox
Standard EDI Mailbox
In this window you are able to view or correct the EDI information and change information in bookings.
Choose from the drop-down list or leave empty and press Search.
Mark the File you want to view/correct and a list with all the bookings will display.
Now you are able to view mapping errors in the Booking by pressing the Errors-button.
To correct the mapping error you select internal code corresponding to the code transmitted by the external part, in the above example a Location code.
Once selected from internal Code File you press OK and return to Mailbox main screen and will be able to import data once color has shifted into green.
By using the -buttons you are able to change in the information and even merge bookings (the below example is
from the Ocean module).
When you have made the wanted changes press Save [F8] and OK to return to the original window.