Settlement Master  

In this block you can create Settlement masters. This will determin the layout of your Settlement specification.

To get a view of already created Invoice masters press the Query-button and a new window will display.

Settlement Master block

If you want to create a new Master press New [F2].


Insert the number/name you want for the Master.


Insert a Name describing the Master.


Insert a Name of the label (Heading on Master print). Not mandatory.

Separate PP/CC

Choose between Yes or No from the drop-down list.

Print ROE

Choose between Yes or No from the drop-down list.

Single Currency

Choose between Yes or No from the drop-down list.


Start typing Currency Code or use the drop-down list and a list of values will display. (Will caculate all charges to same Currency.)

Group by (1-5)

Insert criteria by choosing from the drop-down list. (Will be shown in the top of the report.)


Insert the length of the data details for each selection in 'Group by'.


The label in free text for the data selected under 'Group by'.

Order by (1-5)

Insert criteria by choosing from the drop-down list. (Select the order of the data)

Settlement Master Detail

In this block you are able to insert the values for the Settlement.

Press Add [F2] to add new Settlement Master Detail.

Settl. Grp.

Choose Settlement Group from the drop-down list. (Groups need to be setup in Settlement Groups in the Code files table, and updated against a Charge Code, before in can insert here.) 


Choose between PP or CC in the drop-down list.


Choose from the drop-down list. (This column indicate non financial booking data by line)


Insert the maximum length for the field.


Insert a description for the label. (This is the Heading on each column.)

For further Guidelines on how to create and execute Settlement, please contact Uniteam.

Press Save [F8] or Add [F2] to continue adding codes. If you regret press Reset.