Search for details

In majority of the programs you can search for details. Here we list the most common ones.

Search Filters

In the Code File you may see a large list of codes where it might be useful to insert criteria to narrow the search.

Here you can insert the criteria you wish and press Search. Even just beginning of a field will do.


Listing will display the items in a list to the left of the information itself.

Simply mark the code you wish to look at. If the list is long you can use the bottom field to narrow the search.

Advanced Query

In programs where there can be multiple ways to search we have made special query screens. 

These can be accessed pressing the Query-button, and an example from the Customer File is shown below.

Use % as a wild card and press Search. Double click in the line you wish to open.

A different way is pressing the "+" to the right of a drop-down list.

This will not only open the list of available codes, but also give you the possibility to create a new code directly from the program.