
In this window you can view the Remarks made for the Liner module.

When you enter the window a list of all Remarks. Use the Remarks Code Filter field to see the Remarks you want to see.

Start typing the Name of the Remark No. and a list of values will display. You can also leave it empty.

To create a new Remark press Add [F2].

Remarks No

Insert a Code for the Remark. Maximum of 6 characters.

Query Text

Insert a text describing the Remark.

Remarks Print

Choose from the drop-down list which documents the Remark should be printed on.

Remarks Code

Choose a Code from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Code press "+".

Remarks Text

Free text field together with the Remarks Code.

Press Save [F8] or Add [F2] to insert additional codes. If you regret press Reset.