Payment Statistics

In this window you are able to print an overview of the Payment Statistics from the system.

Fill in the required information and press Print.

List Type

Choose from the drop-down list.


Choose either Debtor, Creditor, or both from the drop-down list.

From/To Customer

Insert Customer number. You select single customers using the Select Customers-button.

From/To Debtor Grp.

Choose the Debtor Group from the drop-down list, if Debtor or Both have been chosen.

From/To Creditor Grp.

Choose the Creditor Group from the drop-down list if Creditor or Both have been chosen.

From/To Date

Insert the wanted Date or use the Calender-button.

The report will display in a new window.

If you want to send the report as mail or send it directly to a printer, choose Email or Print in Dest Type and choose Server and printer. If you want to send it as mail also insert the mail address in the field Email.