Payment Means

In this table we set the default values for the payments. If a Debtor pays an Invoice the system will then know where the payment is entered, and if 

we pay a Customer we have the information to which account we should transfer the money.        


Press the Add-button [F2] and a new line will open for input.


Insert a Code for the Payment Means.


Insert a text describing the Code.


Select the default Payment Currency form the drop-down list displaying values from the Code File Currencies register.

Bank account

Insert the Bank Account No. 


Insert the IBAN No.


Insert the SWIFT Code.


Select the valid Bank Account Nominal from the drop-down list displaying values from the Nominal ledger

Charge Nominal

Select the valid Currency Diff. Nominal from the drop-down list displaying values from the Nominal ledger


select the payment Type from the list.

Press Save [F8] or Add [F2] to insert the next code, or Reset [Ctrl+Shift+R] if you regret the input.