Invoice Master  

In this block you can create Invoice masters.

To get a view of already created Invoice masters press the Query-button and a new window will display.

Invoice Master block

If you want to create a new Master press New [F2].


Insert a Code for the Master


Insert a Name describing the Master.

Recalculate to basic Currency

If you want the system to show the value in the basic Currency choose Yes. If you don't want that, choose No.

Invoice Master Detail block


Insert a number. If you want all charges on the same Settlement, select 1 on each line. If you want to create the 2 different settlements on one Settlement Master, split with a different number.


Insert a Charge Code from the Charge table.


Text to describe the charge.

Calc. Type (1-8)

Choose from the drop-down list the function for the line.

Settl. Group (1-8)

Choose from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Settlement Group press "+".

Additional columns

You can calculate a number of settlement groups together in one amount, by adding in the same row. (Will be shown as one amount on the settlement.)

For further Guidelines on how to create and execute Invoice Master, please contact Uniteam.

Press Save [F8] or Add [F2] to continue adding codes. If you regret press Reset.