
In Liner the File is considered as the profit center of this/these shipments moving together. It can represent a Vessel or a Voyage with multiple bookings/containers, or a consolidated 

Container moving on a Master B/L and multiple House B/Ls. When you open a File it will default to the newest inserted.

Press the New-button in order to insert a new File.


The Service will default to the one linked to your profile. You can change by selecting a valid Service from the drop-down list.

File No.

The combination of Service and File No. must be a unique reference - only existing once. You can either assign the number 

manually, or let the system auto-assign. If you wish to auto-assign please refer to the settings in the Service Register.

File Period

The Period indicates which month the profit/loss of the File should affect. The system will default to Today's Date, but you can 

amend this manually using the Calendar-button or simply type over.


The Import or Export indicator will be inserted a the default from the Service Register. Again you can amend manually.


The Activity will default to the Activity linked to your profile. You can change by selecting a valid value from the Activity Register.

Project No.

If you work with Projects you can select the Project No. via the drop-down list.

Our Ref.

Will default to the user logged on when creating the File. Can be amended manually.


The status will default to Open, but will be changed by the system once Closed, Reopened and Finished.

Closing Date

Closing the File is made once there are no further Revenue or costs to be posted onto the File. You can close a File pressing 

the Close-button below the File.

Depart date

Insert the Date of Departure (Exports) or Date of Arrival (Imports). You can do this using the Calendar-button or simply type 

the Date.

Depart POL

If you do not use the Schedule function described below you can insert a single Port by typing the Name or start of it.


Insert the Carrier if needed. You may start typing the Name and a list of valid names will be displayed.

Carriers Nationality

Choose from the drop-down list, or just start typing the Name of Country and a list of values will display.


You can type the Name manually, or select from the Vessel Register if this has been established.


Insert the Voyage No. 


If you wish to insert a full Schedule, but do not have this in the system, you can add a Loop schedule which will insert the ports and 

transit times, and you just insert the Sailing Date to update the full Schedule.


Insert the Vessel Call Sign. If you inserted the Vessel Name from the Vessel Register this field will be inserted from there - if filled in. 


Insert the Vessel Code. If you inserted the Vessel Name from the Vessel Register, this field will be inserted from there - if filled in. 


The SIS No. is used by some ports to identify this specific Vessel/Voyage for customs documents. 

Arrive Date

Insert the Date of Arrival or use the Calendar-button.

Arrive POD

Insert the Port of Departure. Simply start typing the Name and the system will display a list of valid names to choose from.


For the Link Schedule-button please see below description.

Schedule tab-sheet

You can insert a Schedule in the File. When connecting a Booking then the dates will be inserted in the Booking from here. The system can also check you do 

not book to a Port of Discharge which does not exist in the Schedule.

Vessel Loop Schedule

You can create some Master Schedules under Vessel Loop schedule which contain the data reused. 

This Loop Schedule can then be linked to the File so you do not have to insert all details to get a valid Schedule.

In the File press the Link Schedule-button.


Select Loop from the drop-down list.


System will default to the Carrier in the File. If empty insert the Carrier which Loop is created. Simply type the Name 

and the system will display a list.

Then press Search.

The system will list available schedules. Select the one you wish and press Link.

Now insert the first Port of Loading and the Loading Date together with Voyage and Vessel and press OK.

The Schedule is now complete. Press Save [F8] to update the File.

Manual Insertion of the Schedule

If you want to create the Schedule manually press the Add-button [F2] in the lower right corner. A new line will open for inserting.


A Sequence number Auto-assigned by the system.


Select a Port from the drop-down list. These are located in the Code File Locations and you can create a new pressing the "+".


Insert the Date of Loading/Date of Discharge or use the Calender-button.


Indicate if this is a Loading or Discharge Port.


If the Port is being transshipped insert the Port it is transshipped via.

SIS No.        

This number is used bu the German ports for their operation and is not mandatory to get the schedule working.


Insert the number of Sailing Days from the previous Port. In the first it will be 0.


Insert the number of days the Vessel will stay at the Port.

FCL Term

Insert the Terminal where the Vessel calls. Type the Name and the system will display a list of valid names from the Container Locations.


Insert the Cosing Date or use the Calender-button.


Insert Closing Hour - four digits with no separator - like 0600 or 2200.

LCL Term

As for FCL you can insert the LCL Terminal as well. This is also located in the Container Locations.


Insert the Cosing Date for the LCL or use the Calender-button.


Insert Closing Hour for LCL - four digits with no separator - like 0600 or 2200.


Press Add [F2] to insert the next one, however now do not insert the Date. Press Save [F8] when no more ports should be added. An example could look like this.

Now press the Update-button.

The remaining Dates are now calculated and inserted. Press save [F8].

ROE/Customs tab-sheet

In the tab-sheet you maintain the Rates of Exchange as well as inserting customs information common to all bookings in the File.

ROE Settings  

In this block the basic ROE principles will be set. They default from the settings in the Service Register.

Invoice Code

This Code is used to determine at which date the Rate of Exchange shall be selected in the ROE table.

Values are:

  • B/L Date (from the booking)
  • Type Date - simply type the Date manually when creating the File
  • B/L Date minus 1 (B/L Date in the Booking minus 1 day)
  • B/L Date minus 10 (B/L Date in the Booking minus 10 days)
  • Settlement Rate will enable you to insert Rates of Exchange directly in the File        


This field will open you choose Type Date in the Invoice Code above. Then you can enter the Date from where 

the Rates of Exchange shall be selected.

ROE Principle

If the Invoice Code has been selected as B/L or Type Date(s) then the system will check the ROE table for the values, however there are 3 values per Currency in this Register - Middle, Purchase, Sales. You need to select which value should be chosen.

In the Fixed ROE block you can insert exchange rates manually - if Invoice Code = Settlement Rate.

Press Add [F2] to insert new Rates of Exchange.


Choose a valid Currency from the drop-down list from the list of value in the table Currencies.

ROE Settlement

Settlement ROE is used for Liner Agents when creating settlements to the carriers, but this value is also used if you work 

with estimates and need to insert an estimate in the Booking.

ROE Invoice

When the values are inserted in this column, these will be used when issuing invoices from all bookings dispatched to this File.

In the last block we have customs information which should be common to the bookings in this File.

Border Crossing

Select a valid Code from the drop-down list displaying values from the table Border Codes.

Transport Type

Select a valid Code from the drop-down list displaying values from the table Transport Type.

Customs Place

Select a valid Code from the drop-down list displaying values from the table Customs Place.

Arrival From

select a valid Code from the drop-down list displaying values from the table Languages.

Expected Profit tab-sheet

If a File is not ready at the deadline for reporting the profit/loss it is possible to leave the File open. If the File is open the profit/loss of this File will not appear in the 

accounting reports - unless you insert an Expected Profit for the File.

You can do this pressing the Add-button [F2].


Select if you are going to report Expected Income (Revenue) or Expected Costs. The system will automatically fill in the 

Nominal and highlight fields required.


Will default from the Group Code.

Nom. Debit

The Nominal for posting the costs will be displayed if the Costs Group is selected.

Nom. Credit

The Nominal for posting the Revenue will be displayed if the income Group is selected.


Will default to the Activity linked to the user creating the Expected Profit. This can be amended manually via the drop-down list.


Will default to the Branch linked to the user creating the Expected Profit. This can be amended manually via the drop-down list.


If the Costs Group is selected you need to insert the costs in this field.


If the Income Group is selected you need to insert the Revenue in this field. 

File Posts tab-sheet

In this tab-sheet you can get an overview of the postings on the File.

Settlement tab-sheet

In the Settlement tab you can issue Invoices or settlements directly from the File.

Press the New-button to insert a new Settlement or Invoice.

Order No.

Will be Auto-assigned by the system.


Select the type of Invoice. 

Valid values are:

  • Invoice
  • Settlement
  • Credit Note
  • Group Invoice
  • Internal Invoice
  • Group Settlement

Reason Code

If your company policy require a Reason for issuing a Credit Note you must select a valid value when Credit Note is chosen in the previous field.


Insert the Name of the Customer you wish to issue the Settlement/Invoice for. Start typing the Name and the system will display valid values from the Customer File.


If you are creating an Internal Invoice the Service Code is required. Select a valid Code from the drop-down list.


If you are creating an Internal Invoice the File No. is required. Start typing the File No. and the system will display a list of valid files.


The Invoice Total will be calculated into this Currency. It will be inserted default from the Customer, but can be amended manually by selecting a valid value from the drop-down list.


Will display the Rate of Exchange linked to the Currency. Can be amended manually.


Default will be inserted from the Customer File, but can be amended - if company policy allows.

Due Date

Will be automatically inserted once the Invoice is printed.


Choose from the drop-down list.

Inv. No.

Will be Auto-assigned by the system.

Our Ref

Auto-assigned to the user logged on. Can be amended.

When above is ready press the Add-button [F2]. Now you can add the Invoice Lines and charges.


Use the drop-down list to select a valid Charge Code from the Charges Register. Depending on the creation of the charges the system will now insert the default values from the selected Charge. You can amend each field manually if needed. Please refer to the Charges Calculation Type section for explanation of the setup.


Insert the number of Sub-totals.


Will be Auto-assigned from the Charge-field.


Insert the number of units.


Choose from the drop-down list or start typing the Code for the Unit and a list of values will display.


The amount is Auto-assigned from the charges. Can be amended.


Choose from the drop-down list, or start typing the Currency Code and a list of values will display.


Is Auto-assigned from the Rate field. Can be amended.


Choose from the drop-down list.


Choose from the drop-down list, or start typing the Name of the Activity and a list of values will display.

Press the Add Item-button to insert another line if needed, or OK to return to the Invoice header. While in the Invoice tab sheet press the Print-button and the Invoice will be printed.

Allocation tab-sheet

In the Allocation tab you can maintain and control the space you have been allocated on this Voyage.

The Allocation can be separated into Branch, Area and/or Port Of Discharge.

Press Add [F2] to insert a new allocation. If you have more than one allocation you can shift between them pressing the .

The Grand Total will be shown in the lower block.


Select the Branch for which the Allocation shall be inserted.


If Area is used select from the drop-down list displaying values from the table Areas.


If the POD is used insert the Name of the Port. Start typing part of the Name and the system will display a list of valid ports.


In the Allocation line you insert the allocated space.


In this line you insert you the figure you expect to book.


Will reflect the actual booked cargo.


Will display Allocation minus booked.

Related Bookings tab-sheet

In the last tab sheet you can get a brief look at the bookings in this File, and you can select one and press Open Booking to view it.