Debtor/Creditor Balance List 

This report has another common name - Aging Report. When printing this report you will get one line per customer containing all 

open amounts, split into columns of the aging. You will normally use this report to document the op A/R and A/P in the Balance Sheet.

There are a lot of filters in this report, enabling you to narrow down the list to your exact needs.

List Type

Balance List will display all open invoices, while Reminder List will list all invoice due at the Per Date, but still open at the day of printing.


Single Customer

Choose if the list shall contain Debtor only, Creditor only or Both Invoice Types.

Searchable by name as in other programs - once selected From/To customer will be filled with customer number.

Order By

Choose if the list shall be ordered by Customer, Number, Name or Group.

Date Intervals

Select the Date range for the aging list. 30 days equal columns 1-->30, 31-->60, 61--> 90, 91-->

Currency List

Select Yes if you wish 1 line per customer per currency, or No if you wish to see 1 line only. This would be used for the reconciliation against A/R and A/P.

Currency Code

If you wish to see open amount in a specific Currency, you can select from the list here.

Per Date

Insert the Date for the open invoices. For reconciliation the last day of the fiscal year would be normal.

Filter Amount

You can decide to have the list only display amounts 'Larger than', 'Equal to' or 'Less than'.


Insert the amount for the Filter Amount.

Print Cust. Info

Choose of you wish to see the text from the Customer File. You must ensure though that is checked in the Company File.

From/To Customer

Defaults to all Customers, but you can insert a range.

From/To Debtor Grp.

Defaults to all Debtor Groups, but you can insert a range using the drop-down.

From/To Creditor Grp.

Defaults to all Creditor Groups, but you can insert a range using the drop-down.

From/To Service

Defaults to all Services, but you can insert a range using the drop-down.

From/To Reminder Code

Defaults to all Codes, but you can insert a range using the drop-down.

Below an example of the list when you press Print.