Customer File

The Customer File contains all relevant information we need to have on the Customer. In this table we keep Debtors, Creditors (Vendors) and addresses (neither Debtor nor Creditor).

For a Customer to become a Debtor the Debtor Group has to be defined. For a Customer to become a Creditor the Creditor Group has to be defined. If none of these are defined the

Customer is defined as an address only, and cannot be invoiced. We cannot post Creditor Invoice either to such an address.

Press the New-button [F2] to insert a new Customer. The system will by default insert details from Customer No. 1. The next Customer No. will be assigned by the system. 

Can be amended manually if System Setting allow this.


Choose the Type of relationship with the Customer from the drop-down list displaying values from the Code File Customer Type. This type 

will be used in several other programs for filtering, and also in the Quote if you want to issue a Quote for a group of customers.

Cust. Status

If you have no relations to a Customer anymore you can simply set status to Inactive. This will keep the history but remove the Customer

from the various search filters in the system.


You can insert 3 different addresses:

  • General - will be displayed in the programs, and in most reports as well
  • Local - can be used normally in local documents if document designed for this. 
  • Delivery - can be displayed in the haulage documents if document designed for this - if different from General.

Query Name

Insert a short Name for easy searching. 


Insert the Name of the Customers.

Warning Code

The Warning Code will be displayed in the Booking and search forms. If needed you can search in the drop-down list displaying valid values 

from the Code File Warning Codes.

Global Account

The Global Account No. can be used to tie multiple customers together. If the Customer has many offices and all inserted in the system 
it is a good idea to link them via a Global No. This could be for statistical purposes. 

Freight Curr/ROE

You can assign a fixed Currency and Rate Of Exchange to be used whenever the Customer is invoiced. Select a valid Currency for the drop-down 
list displaying values from Currencies.

Address fields

Insert the proper Address, Zip code, City, Country and Your Ref.

The letter in front of the address will indicate if you are creating (G)eneral, (L)ocal or (D)elivery details.

Group Invoice

If checked the Invoice creation will default to Group Invoice.


If a Creditor Invoice is attested it goes to the automatic payment proposal. Checking this box will set the Invoice as attested when posted.

Merge PDF

Checked as default. PDF documents, e.g. Group invoice and Specification will be merge into one file when using Invoice distribution. 


If checked the invoices will be marked allowed for sending reminders if overdue.

Interest Calculation

If checked the invoices will be marked for Interest Calculation if overdue/paid late.


If checked the system will keep information for the Intrastat reporting.

Code 1+2 

Reserved for later use.

Interest Pct

If interest calculation is performed the calculation will be based on Finance-> Closing -> Interest Default.

In the next block you need to insert Debtor and/or Creditor payment information. If these are empty the Customer can only be as an address in the documents.


Insert the Debtor information in this line if we need to send invoices to this Customer.


Select a valid Code from the Code File Debtor Group.


Select the agreed Terms of Payment from the drop-down list. If not existing press the "+" and you can add into the Code File Terms of Payment.


Select the default Payment Means from the drop-down list.


Indicate if paid by Check.


Indicate if Debtor shall receive Statement of Account. Codes 0-9 can be used to group the debtors receiving the SOA.


Select the default Invoice Currency from the drop-down list displaying values from the Currencies table.                


Choose the language printed in the documents from the system. Could be Terms of Payment in the Invoice.


Select the default VAT Code when invoicing. It will be possible to override this when invoicing. 

Paym Cust

If the Invoice goes to the Customer, but payment will be effected from another office you need to insert this offices Customer No. here.

Then all Debtor invoices will be posted onto this account.

Credit Limit

If the Debtor has a Credit Limit insert it here. Once exceeded the operational programs will trigger a warning when this Customer is inserted.


Will display the current Open Balance.


Will display the Overdue Amount.

Last Activity

Will display the latest Date of invoicing.



Select a valid Code from the Code File Creditor Group.


Select the agreed Terms of Payment from the drop-down list. If not existing press the "+" and you can add into the Code File Terms of Payment.


Select the default Payment Means from the drop-down list.


Indicate if paid by Check


Indicate if Creditor shall receive Statement of Account. Codes 0-9 can be used to group the Creditors receiving the SOA.


Select the default Invoice Currency from the drop-down list displaying values from the Currencies Table.


Choose the language printed in the documents from the system. Could be Terms of Payment in the Settlement.


Select the default VAT Code when invoicing. It will be possible to overwrite this when invoicing. 

Paym Cust

If the Invoice is issued from one office, but payment must be effected to another office you need to insert this offices Customer No. here.

Then all Creditor invoices will be posted onto this account.

Credit Limit

If you have a Credit Limit insert it here. 


Will display the current Open Balance.


Will display the Overdue Amount.

Last Activity

Will display the latest Date of invoicing.

Tel/Fax/Email tab-sheet

In this screen you can insert the contact persons at the Customer. It may also be the E-mail address only - not a physical person.


If there are multiple contacts you can mark the Primary Contact.


If the details are used by a specific Service you can select the value here.


Insert a short ID for the contact. Maximum 10 characters.


If the contact details is a person then insert the Name here.


If the contact details is a person then insert the persons Title here.

Direct Tel.

Insert the Phone No. of the contact details.

Mobile Tel.

Insert the Mobile (cell phone) No. of the contact here.


Insert the Fax No. of the contact here.


Insert the E-mail address of the contact here.

Bank Details tab-sheet

You can add multiple Bank details for each Customer. The one marked Preferred will be the default suggestion when paying the Creditor.


Indicate the default Bank Account for payments.

Acc. No/IBAN No.

Insert the Bank Account No. or IBAN number.

Bank Reg No

Insert the Bank Registration No. 

Bank Name

Insert the Name of the Bank.


Select the Currency to be paid to this account from the drop-down list displaying values from Currencies


Select the Priority level in the list.


Indicate the payer of the fees.


In some countries you need to indicate of the payment shall be transferred to the savings or deposit account.

Address, City, Zip

Used if payment is made to a Creditor having no IBAN.


Insert the Country for the drop-down list displaying values from the Code File Countries.


Insert the SWIFT Code.

RB Code

Select a valid RB code (Riksbank Code - in Sweden) from the drop-down list.

Payment Term tab-sheet

In the Debtor line you did insert i Payment Term, but this can be overruled in this tab. This way you can have different terms if it is Export or Import, or even in a specific Service.

Customer Type

Indicate Debtor or Creditor Terms.


Select the Service these terms are valid for. The drop-down list will display valid values from the Code File Service Register.

Import Terms of Payment

Select the agreed terms from the drop-down list displaying values from the Code File Payment Terms.

Export Terms of Payment

Select the agreed terms from the drop-down list displaying values from the Code File Payment Terms.

Invoice Amount tab-sheet

In this tab sheet you can insert a security ensuring we do not key in too high figures, or even issue high invoices to specific clients.


Insert the Invoice Currency. Select from the drop-down list displaying values from the Currencies Register.

Max Invoice Amount

Insert the Maximum Invoice Amount.

Text tab-sheet

In the Text tab it is possible to save common information which can be printed in some reports, or viewed if needed. 

The text can be saved in a specific Service or as a General Text (ALL).


If the text is for a specific Service then select this from the drop-down list.

Text 1-3

Insert the text.

Remarks/Codes tab-sheet

In this tab you can save various information.


6 text boxes for inserting Remarks which will pop up when inserting the Customer in the Booking.


Used when exchanging EDI.

Ref No. 1-3

Open for multiple functions.

Service Code 

Indicate if the codes are for a specific Service.


Used in the Insurance module to calculate discounts.

Transport tab-sheet

In this tab we save some defaults regarding the transport and transport documents.

The first part can be used as defaults for the transport documents when needed.

Distr. Comp

Select the valid Code from the  Code File Carrier.

Cust. Cust. No

Insert the Customers Customer No. (Warehouse module).

Freight Payer

Select the default Freight Payer to be inserted in the document.

Agreement No.

Insert the Agreement No. 

Weight Limit

If applicable insert the Weight limit.

Freight Rate

If applicable insert the Freight Rate.

Trp. Code

Select the valid Code from the Code File Carrier. 

Secured Shipper

Indicate if this is a Secured Shipper (Airfreight).

Secured Transport

Indicate if the pickup transport is secured (Airfreight)

Security Number

Insert the customers Security No. at the Aviation authorities.

Secured Date

Insert the Date when the security expires.

Customs Export VAT-No

Insert the customers Export VAT No. if applicable.

Customs Import VAT-No

Insert the standard VAT No. of the Customer.

EDI tab-sheet

In the EDI tab you can insert details for sending invoices via EDI. Please contact Uniteam for this option.

Volume Discount tab-sheet

For the Airfreight module you can insert volume discounts.


Select the Service where the discount shall be valid.


Select the Departure Airport from where the discount shall apply.


Select the Arrival Airport.


Insert the Shipper. Start typing the Name and the system will display a list of valid names.


Insert the Consignee. Start typing the Name and the system will display a list of valid names.


Insert the discount in percent.