
Whenever the system should assign a Sequence it retrieves it from the Counters table. In here you can correct/add the Sequence No. if needed.

There are 3 tabs in this table.

Company tab-sheet

In this tab-sheet you set the Sequences per Company. Select the Company from the drop-down list and the system will display valid sequences.


Will display the Name of the Sequence.


There are 2 different types/functions programmed by Uniteam so cannot be amended:

  • Simple - will guarantee a unique Sequence but if number assigned and the input is reset then the number will not be reused
  • Advanced - will guarantee a unique Sequence and will be reused if input is canceled after assignment


Short explanation of the function of the Sequence.

Manual Entry

Here are 3 options:

  • Allowed - user can insert Sequence manually. If not the system will assign next available number.
  • Not Allowed - user cannot insert Sequence manually.
  • Required - user is required to insert Sequence manually. The system will not assign a sequence.

Provisional Seq. Required

Options are True or False set by Uniteam:

  • True = the system will reserve the Sequence immediately.
  • False = the system will not reserve the Sequence but only assign once insertion is saved, which in some cases may 
    give an error if Sequence has been used by another. 

Rollover Range

Simple counters only and applies when a range is exceeded. The range cannot be seen in the program but is set in the database.

If True, then the system will start reassigning the first number in the range. If the range is 1-10 and 10 has been reached, no 1 will be assigned.

If False, the system will display an error.

Next Sequence

Will display the next number being assigned. Can be amended manually.

Release Provisional Sequence

If a number has been reserved but not yet committed it is possible to release the number here.

System tab-sheet

In this tab-sheet you will set the counters which will not be Company specific. At the moment this is only the CompanyID Sequence.

Settings tab-sheet

In this tab-sheet you have the possibility to select if the Manual Entry is allowed or not and if the Rollover range shall be applied or not. If the drop-down if not accessible it is because

the settings does not apply to this counter, or blocked by Uniteam for system security reasons.