Container Reference Map

In this window you are able to view and create a Container Reference. What should the system look and Match, or Update, when moves are uploaded to the system.

Choose Message and Type from the drop-down list and press Search.

If you want to create a new Reference press Add [F2].


Will be Auto-assigned to Message chosen.


Will be Auto-assigned to Type chosen.


Will be Auto-assigned.

Reference Code

Choose Code from the drop-down list.


Choose between Match or Update from the drop-down list.


Choose Code from the drop-down list.

Allocate Cont.

Choose between Yes or No from the drop-down list.

From pos

Insert the first Position this should be valid from.

To pos

Insert the last Position this should be valid to.

Press Save [F8] or Add [F2] to continue adding codes. If you regret press Reset.