Container Locations

In this table you create the various terminals and depots you use in the system, both for FCL and LCL - and B/B for that matter.

You can link the Terminal to a Vendor if you will be using the systems automatic storage and handling feature. 

Or if you need full address displayed in a document.

Container Location Code

Insert the Code for the Terminal or Depot.

Text 1+2

Insert the Name of the Terminal or Depot.


Start typing the Name of the Vendor and the system will display a list of valid names you can select from. 

Must be in the Customer Register as a Creditor.

Free Time

If you use the storage/handling feature insert the number of Free Days Storage.

Start Period

Indicate if Free Time is still valid if storage is being calculated (N) or if every single day is then calculated (Y).

Press Save [F8] or Add [F2] to insert additional codes. If you regret press Reset.