Container Locations
Container Locations
In this table you create the various terminals and depots you use in the system, both for FCL and LCL - and B/B for that matter.
You can link the Terminal to a Vendor if you will be using the systems automatic storage and handling feature.
Or if you need full address displayed in a document.
Insert the Code for the Terminal or Depot. |
Insert the Name of the Terminal or Depot. |
Start typing the Name of the Vendor and the system will display a list of valid names you can select from. Must be in the Customer Register as a Creditor. |
If you use the storage/handling feature insert the number of Free Days Storage. |
Indicate if Free Time is still valid if storage is being calculated (N) or if every single day is then calculated (Y). |
Press Save [F8] or Add [F2] to insert additional codes. If you regret press Reset.