Container Information

Here you are able to see and create all the Container types you need.

To create a new Container Type press Add [F2]. 


Insert the Code you want for the Container Type


Free text field where you insert the text for the Container Type


Insert the Container Size or use the drop-down list to display a list of values. If you want to create a new Container Size press "+".


Insert the Type of Container or use the drop-down list to display a list of values. If you want to create a new Type of Container press "+".

ISO (4)

Insert the Code for the ISO (4) standard or use the drop-down list to display a list of values. If you want to create a new Code press "+".

ISO (6)

Insert the Code for the ISO (6) standard or use the drop-down list to display a list of values. If you want to create a new Code press "+".


Insert the Feet for the Container (10, 20, 40, 45).


Insert the Feet for the internal width of the container.


Insert the Feet for the internal height of the container.

Cargo Type

Insert the Cargo Type to shipped in the Container (Dry Cargo, Reefer Cargo, ect.) or use the drop-down list to display a list of values. If you want to create a new Cargo Type press "+". 


Choose between Full or Empty in the drop-down list.


Insert the Tara of the container - if you know this. If not leave it empty.


Insert the number of teus (1 for 20', 2 for 40' and 45').

Shippers owned

Choose between Yes or No in the drop-down list to indicate if the Container is a Shippers Owned Container.

Check Temperature

Choose between Yes or No in the drop-down list to indicate if the system shall require a temperature for this Container Type in all bookings.


Free text field with possibility to insert your own informations.

Press Save [F8] or Add [F2] to insert additional codes. If you regret press Reset.