
In this window you are able to view or create charges for the customers in the WMS module.

The window will automatically be in the last created Charge. Use the -buttons to scroll between the charges created on the present Customer.

To get an overview press Query and a new window will display. Fill in the required information in the search fields and press Search.

If you want to create a new Charge press New [F2].

General block


Will be Auto-assigned by the system.


Choose which Charge Type you want to use from the drop-down list.

Valid From/To

Insert the From/To Date or use the Calender-button.


Insert a text describing the Charge.


Choose Nominal from the drop-down list.


Choose Activity from the drop-down list.

VAT Code

Choose VAT Code from the drop-down list.


Choose Currency from the drop-down list.

Filters block


Start typing the Name of the Customer and a list of values will display.

Location Type

Choose Location Type from the drop-down list.

Settlement Group

Choose Settlement Group from the drop-down list.

Calculation block


Choose Type from the drop-down list.


Insert the price you want to charge per Type.

Price Per

Insert the factor to be charged (e.g. per 1, 10, 100).


Choose Unit from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Unit press "+".

Alt. Price

Insert an alternative price if needed.

Alt. Per

Insert an alternative factor to be charged if needed. (e.g. per 1, 10, 100).

Alt. Unit

Choose alternative Unit from the drop-down list if needed. If you want to create a new Unit press "+".

Alt. Factor

Insert an alternative factor if needed.

Factor Unit

Choose alternative Factor Unit from the drop-down list if needed. If you want to create a new Unit press "+".

Free days

Insert the number of Free days if needed.

Min. price

Insert the minimum price to be charged.

Max. lines

Insert the maximum lines you want.

Fee lines

Insert the number of fee lines.

Fee rush

Insert the amount to be charged for the rush orders.


Insert the number of Subtotal to be used.

Matrix Table and Scale Table block

Press Add [F2] to create a new Matrix Table or Scale Table.

Choose the X-Table and Y-Table from the drop-down lists and insert the charges to be used.

When finished press Save [F8].