In this window you are able to view or create charges for the customers in the WMS module.
The window will automatically be in the last created Charge. Use the -buttons to scroll between the charges created on the present Customer.
To get an overview press Query and a new window will display. Fill in the required information in the search fields and press Search.
If you want to create a new Charge press New [F2].
General block
No |
Will be Auto-assigned by the system. |
Type |
Choose which Charge Type you want to use from the drop-down list. |
Valid From/To |
Insert the From/To Date or use the Calender-button. |
Text |
Insert a text describing the Charge. |
Nominal |
Choose Nominal from the drop-down list. |
Activity |
Choose Activity from the drop-down list. |
VAT Code |
Choose VAT Code from the drop-down list. |
Curr |
Choose Currency from the drop-down list. |
Filters block
Customer |
Start typing the Name of the Customer and a list of values will display. |
Location Type |
Choose Location Type from the drop-down list. |
Settlement Group |
Choose Settlement Group from the drop-down list. |
Calculation block
Type |
Choose Type from the drop-down list. |
Price |
Insert the price you want to charge per Type. |
Price Per |
Insert the factor to be charged (e.g. per 1, 10, 100). |
Unit |
Choose Unit from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Unit press "+". |
Alt. Price |
Insert an alternative price if needed. |
Alt. Per |
Insert an alternative factor to be charged if needed. (e.g. per 1, 10, 100). |
Alt. Unit |
Choose alternative Unit from the drop-down list if needed. If you want to create a new Unit press "+". |
Alt. Factor |
Insert an alternative factor if needed. |
Factor Unit |
Choose alternative Factor Unit from the drop-down list if needed. If you want to create a new Unit press "+". |
Free days |
Insert the number of Free days if needed. |
Min. price |
Insert the minimum price to be charged. |
Max. lines |
Insert the maximum lines you want. |
Fee lines |
Insert the number of fee lines. |
Fee rush |
Insert the amount to be charged for the rush orders. |
Subtotal |
Insert the number of Subtotal to be used. |
Matrix Table and Scale Table block
Press Add [F2] to create a new Matrix Table or Scale Table.
Choose the X-Table and Y-Table from the drop-down lists and insert the charges to be used.
When finished press Save [F8].