
The charges are used when you issue invoices and/or insert Freight in a B/L, Manifest or other docs. They are also used when creating quotations. 

The more you work with the Charge the more automation you will get in the invoicing procedure. The screen does contain a lot of possibilities, and therefor 

there are a lot of fields in there - but you do not need all of them every time.

In the top block we find;


The Charge No. should be assigned by you. A number between 1 and 999. You can reuse the same number multiple times as long 

as at least one Filter is not like in the other Charge with the same number.

Normally that would be the valid From/To Date - or the Customer. But also ports can vary.

Query Text

Insert a text describing the Charge. This text will be displayed when searching for Charge in other programs.


If a Charge shall only be used in one module you can set the Type for this module. If it is a General Charge choose All in 

the drop-down menu.

Valid From

Insert from which Date this Charge will be valid. If you have 2 charges where the only difference is the valid Date, then the 

system will check the B/L Date of he Booking to determine which one to pick.

Valid To

Insert Expiry Date of the Charge. If not agreed or known then leave the field empty. 


Indicate of the Charge belongs to Freight or Additional. Inclusive will be used as an indicator in Quotes.

B/L text

Insert a text for printing in the B/L Freight and/or Manifest.


Select a valid Manifest Group from the drop-down list displaying values in the Code File Manifest Group.

The Invoice Text block is used to insert text which will appear in the Invoice. It can be inserted in multiple languages, 

and will then show the text matching the Language Code in the Customer File.

Language Code

Select a valid Code from the drop-down list displaying values from the Languages.

Invoice Text

Insert a text describing the Charge being invoiced.

Then go to the Settings block.

Stat. Group        

If you need to group the Charge for statistical purposes you you can select a valid Code in the drop-down list displaying values 

from the Code File Statistical Group.

No Match

When you create a Charge including Matrix or Scale Tables, you need to inform the system what to do if there are no matching 

values in these underlying tables.

Prompt will stop in the Invoice and ask for a rate while Skip will simply skip the Charge. 

Nominal sales

Used when the Invoice is posted to determine where it should end up in accounts. Start typing the Name of the Nominal - or the 

number and the system will suggest valid values from the Nominal Ledger.

Nominal Costs

Used when the Settlement is posted to determine where it should end up in accounts. Start typing the Name of the Nominal - or 

the number and the system will suggest valid values from the Nominal Ledger.


If you work with Activities as a profit/loss measure you can select a valid Code from the drop-down list displaying values from 

the Activity Register.

VAT Code

Select the correct Code for the VAT calculation. If you are unsure of the values please check with your accounting department.


If a Charge shall always be Prepaid or Collect you can indicate this here. If not then leave the field empty.


If you need to issue Automatic Settlements to the carriers you can select a valid Settlement Group from the drop-down list displaying values from the Code File Settlement Groups.

Prt. B/L

Indicate of this Charge shall be printed in the B/L if inserted in the Booking Freight Charge. The print value will print the Charge in the B/L while Summarize will print the Charge in the B/L and included the Charge in the B/L Total.


Indicate of this Charge shall be printed in the Freight Manifest if inserted in the Booking Freight Charge. The print value will print the Charge in the Manifest while Summarize will print the Charge in the Manifest and included the Charge in the Manifest Total.

Prt. Analysis

Indicate if the Charge shall be included in the Analysis (Statistical table and Traffic List) if inserted in the Booking Freight Charge.

Prt. Air

Indicate which Airfreight Documents the Charge shall be printed in.

In the Filters block, you can insert variables - up to 6 filters to make the Charge very specific to a certain Service, Customer, Port or other values.


In the Filters row you can select which kind of Filter you wish.


In the Codes row you then select a value valid for the Filter you chose, 

depending on the Filter you can start typing a Name and the system will 

show a list of matching names. Or you can select from the drop-down list. 

But please be careful. The more filters you insert the more details must 

be in the Booking for a perfect match.

Under the filters we have the Calculation Type. Here you need to indicate how the system shall calculate. If it is per Container, w/m or percentage.

Price Per

The price you insert in the designated field will be calculated per - 1 Container, 100 kilos and so on.


The Unit Code is a short text being shown in the Invoice lines to indicate the calculation method - CNT, PCT, W/M. These are codes you can select from the drop-down list displaying values from the Code File Unit Code.


In Type you indicate how the system shall calculate. If per Container, Gross Weight, Percent, and so on.

Type 2

In case the system shall calculate based on Gross Weight or Measurement both need to be indicated. 

Type = Gross Weight and Type 2 = Measurement.


Insert the factor between Gross Weight and Measurement in case of Type and Type 2 calculation.


Indicate if there shall be a minimum of 1 if the calculation Type/Type 2 is below 1. 


If you wish the calculated result to be rounded then insert round to nearest figure.


Indicate if the round shall be up or down.


Select a Currency from the drop-down list displaying values from the Currency Register.


Insert the price to be multiplied by the Price per.


If Minimum is inserted this price will be valid for all calculations below.


If Maximum is inserted this price will be valid for all calculations above.


Indicate if the result shall be added to a subtotal. This can be used for percentage calculations.

The screen dump above show the container calculation. Below are some examples of the most common calculations.

Percentage - calculates 10,5% of amounts in Subtotal 1 - which would be the container above.

Weight - calculates per kilo.

W/M where 1 cbm = 250 kilos, and the price is per 100 kilos.

Matrix/Scale Table

Above describes how simple Charge can be made, however if you have a combination of multiple values you have to make multiple Charge. 
In order to avoid this you can make use of either the Matrix or the Scale Tables.

Matrix table is a 3 dimensional table where you can combine Port of Loading with Port of Discharge - per Container Type.

Start choosing the 3rd dimension - the Z-value in the drop down list.

Now the table expands with columns where you can insert the Container Size/Type.

After you have inserted the Z-codes press Add [F2].

Now a new line opens and you can select the X-table and Y-table values. These will be fixed for the remaining lines in the Matrix, so if you choose 

POL and POD in the first line you cannot choose PLR and PLD in the second.

Now you can insert as many combinations you like.

Scale Table

If the prices are split into scales the Calculation Type still decides how the calculation will be made, but the Scale Table 

will then present all the prices to be multiplied by the result. Again start selecting the Z-type.

And fill in the table.

Press Save [F8] or Add [F2] to insert additional codes. If you regret press Reset.