
In this window you are able to view or create articles in the WMS module.

Use the -buttons to scroll between the created articles. 

Use the -buttons to create a new, copy an existing, or query to find an Article.

When pressing the Query-button a new window will display. Fill in the required information in the search fields or leave empty and press Search.

If you want to create a new Article press New [F2] and a fresh window will display.

General block

Text 1

Insert a text describing the Article you are creating.

Text 2

Insert a supplementary text describing the Article.

Article Group

Choose Article Group from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Article Group press "+".

Settlement Group

Choose Settlement Group from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Settlement Group press "+".

Unit In

Choose Unit from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Unit press "+".

Unit Out

Choose Unit from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Unit press "+".


Insert the value per Unit (chosen in the next line) for insurance purposes.


Choose Unit from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Unit press "+".


Insert the price per Unit (chosen in the next line), normally cost price per Unit.


Choose Unit from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Unit press "+".

Safety Stock

Insert when you want the system to give you a warning when stock is low based on the Unit chosen in the next line.


Choose Unit from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Unit press "+".


Choose if you work by FIFO or LIFO principles.


Will be Auto-assigned by the system.


Will be Auto-assigned by the system.


Will be Auto-assigned by the system.


Will be Auto-assigned by the system.


Will be Auto-assigned by the system.

EAN block

EAN Numbers

Insert a 13 digit EAN number if required.


Choose Yes or No from the drop-down list if you want the number to be a default number.

Unit-of-measure conversions block

In this block you can make comparison and calculations between the used Unit types. 


Choose Unit from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Unit press "+".


Insert the number of items the second Unit is compared to the first Unit.


Choose Unit from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Unit press "+".

Hazardous materials block


Choose Unit from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Unit press "+".

IMO Class

Insert the IMO Class.

UN Number

Insert the UN Number of the goods.

ADR Number

Insert the ADR Number of the goods.

Fire Classification

Insert the Fire Classification for the goods.

Material Type

Choose Material Type from the drop-down list. If you want to create a new Material Type press "+".

When finished press Save [F8]. If you regret press Reset.